Thursday, August 21, 2008

Is Jammu and Kashmir equal to Kashmir alone?;jsessionid=D785C3BF9BEF7074CC314F477825D4A9?articleID=139829

Indian politicians, scholars, intellectuals and journalists have confused J&K with Kashmir alone, forgetting that this false interpretation has marginalised other communities and made Kashmiris think that they can get away with anything in Kashmir.

HATS OFF to Arundhati Roy, Jug Suraiya and Prem Chand Sahajwala for coming forth to speak about the plight of the Kashmiris and ask the Indian government to think about ending its imperialism in Kashmir Valley.
Jug Suraiya in his article ‘India Minus K-word’ in the Times of India dated Aug 20, 2008 writes ‘what if he (the separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani) and his followers were to adopt the strategies of non-cooperation and satyagraha, which were used (by Gandhi) to gain independence’?
The same was quoted by Sahajwala to further prove his point that Indian presence in Kashmir has only brought suffering to the people. Times of India, in it’s August 21 editorial, has again questioned the Indian presence in Kashmir and wants the country to give freedom to the poor Kashmiris, who have been fighting for freedom for last sixty years.
The general view-point is that India should give freedom to Kashmiris and if they want to go to Pakistan, let them join that country. But who are Kashmiris, what do they want, where do they live, is Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) equal to Kashmir alone? Do people have an answer to these questions?

To read more visit;jsessionid=D785C3BF9BEF7074CC314F477825D4A9?articleID=139829

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