Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tiimes of India makes amends but still remains the same


After days of Jammu bashing and pro-pakistan and separatist reporting, the Times of India at last realised that it's credibility was at stake. Now to ensure that there is little bit of fair reporting, TOI has sent a reporter to Jammu, who has filed a story on what is actually happening in Jammu.
Hats off to Mohua Chatterjee for telling the world that agitation in Jammu is not communal that it is not against any community or religion, but it was against the imperialist ideology of Kashmiris. Time and again the national media and Indian intellectuals see the problems in Jammu and Kashmir not of the entire state but only of Kashmiris, for Kashmiris and by the Kashmiris.
Jammu and Kashmir does not comprise of Kashmir alone and many in India does not know the distance between Jammu and Srinagar, the heart of Kashmir valley is 300 kilometres.

Even though Times of India has made amends but again the edit page call for going back to the pre-1953 position and giving full autonomy to Kashmir. But why does not the Times call for giving the state of Jammu and Kashmir pre-1947 position and let Jammu and Kashmir be free.
Times have changed, so instead of having the Dogra rule let us be given autonomy in both Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.

People of Jammu are fed up with the Union policies and appeasement of Kashmir and also discrimination against Jammu. Despite holding the Indian flag high, making sacrifices for India and remaining a bulwark against the Islamic and separatist forces, Jammu has got nothing in return except rebuke and disdain.

It is high time that India realise that interests of Jammu can not be sacrificed for kashmir and if this continues, it is likely that people of Jammu will also revolt against the Indian union.

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